Melanin Gamers

Showcasing People of Colour in the Industry: Leon Winkler – Director of International Events Ubisoft

The article is an MG POC Spotlight piece and will focus on the creation of Black Games Pros Mixer. The article will also touch upon the work that he does in the industry itself.

On why he helped set-up the Black Games Pro-Mixer:

"It’s not about ticking boxes, it’s about your value system. We need to be more diverse. It’s not about diversity for tokenism. Our games are international, and our industry needs to reflect that. ".

Leon Winkler - Director International Events at Ubisoft

Before we get into why you created the Black Games Pro-Mixer, what’s your origin story? How did you get into the gaming industry?

I have been working in events for over twenty years – I have organised parties, events – I helped create a TV show for the MTV Network in Holland. No big deal. I started to believe in my own hype. When the company that was making the MTV show went bankrupt I tried to get another role that was similar, I had an idea for a TV show. No one wanted to hire me despite having contacts at MTV. It was a combination of my race and other variables. I mean I’m a black guy in Holland. Doesn’t really help. It was definitely a humbling experience. 

I became an account manager for a magazine. Back when people still read magazines on MSN. So this was a while ago. Working at that magazine one of the industries we had to target was the games industry. I didn’t really enjoy working at the magazine and then I got fired unceremoniously. *Laughs*

This doesn’t sound like a happy origin story.

Like I said humbling experiences and everything is a learning curve. After that it was touch and go, I saw a job advertisement for Ubisoft – I freestyled the entire interview and I got hired on the same day.

Leon during Ubisoft's segment at E3

That is quite the Origin Story and it seems like that is a common occurrence: people just falling into the industry almost by accident. Your official title is now: Director of International Events, you didn’t do too badly for yourself. How is it working for Ubisoft in Paris?

It’s cool working here. I get to work on events like E3. I live in Paris.

I’m not jealous.


I get to travel around the world. I am part of the international communications team. I report to the VP of Global Communications. My proximity to the top management is ideal. 

Which brings us neatly onto our next point: The Black Games Pro Mixer. Why was it important for you to create this initiative?

An initiative that began at E3 2019, the Black Game Pros Mixer was founded by Ubisoft Director of International Events Leon Winkler and Ubisoft Toronto Product Marketing Manager Andrien Gbinigie and led to the launch of the Black Game Pros Employee Resource Group (ERG) at Ubisoft Toronto.

I hadn’t really seen other people doing this sort of thing. Setting this event up meant something to me. It wasn’t about ticking the diversity box, I genuinely believe in increasing the diversity in the industry. Our games are international, and our industry needs to reflect that.

There isn’t enough information out there or resources especially for people of colour. I don’t know how many people of colour I have spoken to who are constantly asking me how to get into the industry and if they are in the industry they want to know how they can progress. As a person of colour, I personally feel that we need to take careful steps to diversify the industry. Industry insiders need to be reaching out to their audiences, all their audiences, in terms of inclusion and diversity to truly see what they want to do. Approach things from a wider perspective.

Ubisoft Black Game Pros Mixer Event

Do you think it is our responsibility as people of colour, especially people who are in positions such as yourself, to increase diversity in the games industry?

I don’t think everyone should feel a need to – but I personally think that I have an opportunity to make people aware that there are opportunities. I want to encourage black children out there, that there are entire career paths they might not be aware of that they can go for, that they should be going for. I want to stimulate dialogue – bridge the gap between those in the industry and those outside. 

It sounds like you are very passionate about this project, which is brilliant by the way! What do you hope to achieve in the future with this event?

I believe in this project, we (Leon Winkler and Andrien Gbingie) wanted to start somewhere. We organised the Mixer in like two weeks-ish. We want people networking with each other. We plan to do another Mixer at E3* we are working with some partners to get approval so we can roll this out to more industry events. Yes I work for Ubisoft and they have been incredibly supportive in regards to this, but other organisations like Microsoft had representatives at the Mixer and they along with others can take the blueprint of what we have created and roll out it. We are sharing this because we want to make it easier for the local teams to implement these changes.

I want to ensure that we can prevent that feeling when you walk into a room and no one looks like you. I know what that feels like and I want to stop that.

Representation is crucial.

It really is! I’m here in this role and people need to know that if I can make it, then so can you.

E3 Update

E3 as of 11/03/2020 has now been cancelled due to the COVID-19 virus. They are however currently exploring alternative solutions. Please click the image for updated information 


Melanin Gamers - Founder & Writer

The founder & director of Melanin Gamers.

Leon Winkler

Director International Events at Ubisoft

Director of events with 20+ years of digital media experience.


I am Annabel or creativelyanzy as I’m known online! I am the founder of Melanin Gamers: a gaming community that promotes diversity and inclusivity in the video games industry, with a special focus on content creators; whiles also providing a safe space for people of colour to come together and game

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